Thursday, 17 December 2009

Let's see if this works then

Having acquired a fancy new phone yesterday, I'm now going through the process of finding out what I can do with it!

I've already set up a Twitter feed for local bird news - - and now I'm seeing if blog posting via email from my phone works.

I'm not sure why I would want to, but it might be useful one day.

Apparently you can upload photos as attachments, so let's give that a go as well:


The Leicester Llama said...

It works! It works!

Slightly annoying that the photo is at the beginning of the post, but I can live with that.

Russ Malin said...

Can you ring people on it too.......

The Leicester Llama said...

Yes, I think they've included an old fashioned 'phone' on it as an afterthought.

It's certainly not the main selling point though, otherwise I would have stuck to my old one, on which you couldn't do anything except ring people...

davidearlgray said...

Andy how the hell do you add Tweets to the LROS bird news on the twitter account? Or do we still have to send you texts?
A bit confused?

The Leicester Llama said...

You don't - that's not how Twitter works. You send me a text or email with your news and I put it on the Twitter feed.

It's like the Latest Bird News page on the website, but has two major advantages - 1) I can update it easily from my phone wherever I am, and 2) people can get the news wherever they are, either by looking at the site on their phone if it's internet capable, or by opting to receive texts (which I think they have to pay for, although many people get plenty of texts included in their mobile package these days, so it shouldn't cost them too much).

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy - looking at this site you can get free udates on Vodafone and Orange

I will register my phone and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

This one seems to say O2 provide a free service as well... maybe if we can get everyone to join that will be better - easier for me too.

Anonymous said...

Oops - forgat the link