Friday, 19 August 2011

World's Worst Rarity Photos

In my ongoing contest with the Hooded Birder to see who can post the crappest bird photos, I offer below a couple of images which originally appeared on the 'World's Worst Rarity Photos page' on the old Leicester Llamas site. I've got quite a few more like this, but they're all in a shoe box somewhere and I can't be arsed to find/scan them at the moment. But I may do at some stage. Something to look forward to eh?

Richard helpfully points out the Common Rosefinch
feeding on our spilt seed at Gord, Shetland, May 1999

No such help with this one - you'll have to pick out the King Eider for yourselves!
Ythan Estuary, April 1996

1 comment:

Hooded Birder (Andy) said...

Yes, this rosefinch photo is clearly the way forward compared to the horror of my phalarope - its just too easy! And I must admit I didnt even see the Rosefinch on first glance, I assumed it was one of the Sparrows! Can't believe I managed to dip a photo!