Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Stop......................Carry On!

Now there's an obscure catchphrase from the past that probably only about 1% of people reading this (if indeed anyone reads it) will remember! Mass appeal? Bollocks, more like.

Anyway, I got fed up with seeing my moribund blog taunting me with its lack of updates since February every time I switched the computer on so rather than leave it sitting there on the remote chance that inspiration might strike, I deleted it. Fortunately Blogger allows you to undelete a blog for up to 90 days, so in a fit of probably misplaced optimism I decided to do just that and carry on.

Since my last post, spring has been and (just about) gone, the highlights for me being Leics & Rutland's long overdue first Glossy Ibis at Rutland Water in early May, and an equally overdue twitchable Hoopoe at South Kilworth last weekend. Not so good was the Savi's Warbler which sang in the Lagoon 3 reedbed on Monday evening, but hasn't been heard since. At least we heard about it this time, unlike all the previous county records.

Never mind, it'll soon be autumn...


davidearlgray said...

Welcome Back Andy!

Mark said...

Good to have you back Andy.

The Leicester Llama said...

Thanks. I'll try and post something more often than the once a month I was managing before I stopped altogether!

Mark - can you let me have those Shetland flight times please when you've got a moment?

James Emerson said...

Blimey, was the "stop...carry on" from Mark and Lard? Very odd people, but in a good way. Its good to see the blog is back.

The Leicester Llama said...

It was indeed James - Mark and Lard c2000. I suspect a few more than 1% of people would remember that really, but it was pretty obscure.

Mark said...

Andy. I sent you a PDF of them before I went away! 'll send it again tonight.

The Leicester Llama said...

Didn't get it! I'll let you know if it arrives this time.

Anonymous said...

Mark and Lard. Much missed. I spoke to Lard a year or so ago in Sheffield and gushingly told him they were responsible for some of my favourite radio moments... ever!

Welcome home!

The Leicester Llama said...

Likewise. I used to email them fairly regularly with bits and pieces of nonsense - Mark Radcliffe once opened the show with the words: "Andy Mackay's been on...." which naturally made my day, week and probably year!

beast said...

"Hoorah"....about fuckin time you returned Andy...welcome back....!

The Llamas site was sadly missed...

ps..[and talking of sadly missed]....bastard eye brook phalaropes...


Richard Fray said...

I said "stop............. carry on!" in the proper high pitched voice when I saw the title.

Do I win a prize?

The Leicester Llama said...

You sort out my website, then I might consider giving you a prize.....