Saturday 4 October 2008

Rain and snow. No birds.

After an agreeable evening spent in the company of Mr Daniels, Mr Whyte and Mr Mackay, we woke this morning to the sound of absolutely pissing rain.

As usual there was no food in Rob's house, so for breakfast we had to make do with the only thing we could find in the freezer:

Actually that's a slight lie - there was a Meadow Pipit in the freezer as well, along with a bag of prawns that I'm sure was there last year!

Around midday the rain turned to sleet, snow and hail. This finally stopped, and we thrashed Quendale and Channerwick. The 'highlight' was a Robin at the latter.

Terrible news - Andy (pictured above - you can tell he's a 3 Michelin-star chef from his assured frying pan technique) has defected to the Nordagerdi No-hopers, so we'll have to do our own cooking this year. I can see a lot of fry-ups being consumed...


Skev said...

I take it from the lack of pastry that the pie-man hadn't arrived at this time?

The Leicester Llama said...

No, but he's here now, and has already consumed at least three pies!

Stewart said...

Is that a Fryneck on the spoon...

The Drunkbirder said...

At least the Nordaherdigerdi No-hopers will be well fed so fuck right off!

Barry said...

Good to see that Andy is settled in for the week hoping to top up on his tan. Has he got his new scope out yet to impress all. reminds me I must have some old piccies of Andy I can scan and send onto this blog, when I have time!!!

The Leicester Llama said...

Yes I've had a full guided tour of the new scope! I'd be pleased to received any old photos - perhaps we can have another caption competition!