Friday 17 September 2010

In Town For One Night Only

I had planned to go to Burrough Hill this morning for a spot of vismigging now that the wind of the last few days has finally dropped, but a combination of Beacon, Cobra, Jack Daniels (so much for the rehab!), curry and getting to bed at about 1.30 put paid to that idea. No doubt the Laps are streaming over in their hundreds as I type....

Anyway, John has already written up last night’s Llama reunion in far funnier style than I can manage this morning, but suffice to say it was an excellent evening. It’s sad that it took Rob & Richard’s granny’s funeral to get us all together in the same place for the first time since 2002, but such is the way of things now we’re scattered across the globe.

Unfortunately the photos John took with my camera didn’t come out too well, but as a comparison to the ones on his blog, I offer these dreadful old camcorder shots from the original Llamas site. It’s quite scary to think these were only taken about ten years ago (I think they were either 2000 or 2001), both in terms of how we’ve aged (and expanded in my case!), but also the pace of digital change. It really is only ten years since we all excitedly bought our first digital camcorders, and were amazed by the blurry 640 x 480 pixel images we got through our scopes. But now of course they look utterly shite compared with modern multi-megapixel cameras. I might dig out a few old favourites from those early digiscoping days and post them some time.

Don’t bother clicking on these, by the way – this is about as big as they get!

Saved the best one till last!


Anonymous said...

Shit I hadn't realised it was 2002... I might have to update my blog post now. If only you'd have had the foresight to get some T-shirts printed up. 'I've seen my 500th shit Twitcher in the UK... or is that Ireland!'

The Leicester Llama said...

I wouldn't worry about it John, after all it's not like everything in your post was entirely factual anyway!

Anonymous said...

Fair enough.

What was that woman from Walsall like? That was pretty bizarre even for a late bar in Leicester.

davidearlgray said...

Right I should have said she was probably pissed or she wanted a quickie (F*uck) if you get my drift! ;-)
And who the hell are the scrpit!?

The Leicester Llama said...

Fuck knows - she was certainly pissed. Fortunately I was sitting too far away to hear most of it.

Mark said...

How the last 8 years have been hard for you three. Richard appears to have lost weight and presumably no longer goes by the name Phatboy. Andy you have increased in mass a bit but you can always stand next to Dave and John to disguise the fact. Rob's hair has fallen off - though I suspect this shaved headed look is a vain attempt at hiding his grey hairs - I'm grey and I'm proud ;-).

The Script are an Irish band. I don't really know much about them though I've seen them twice and they were nowt special.

Skev said...

I was faintly interested when that Walsall woman loomed large with her big breasts poking me in the face - for about a millisecond until she half sat on my lap. Then her opening comments immediately put me on edge to say the least - surreal that was. As soon as she knew Dave and John were Psych Nurses she changed and wanted psychoanalysing rather than a quick poke. I don't she was overly pissed - just fucking mental.

Anyway - another great curry night and good to see the Fray's again. Richard hasn't change much apart from bein lucid and diurnal. Rob looks like some sort of fucking weathered lobster fisherman.

John Hague said...

Yeah, if your idea of being a Lobster fisherman is removing them from Jane Mansfield's bum.

The Leicester Llama said...

Getting unwanted attention from mental women is par for the course if you go drinking with Rob - maybe it's the lobsters?

John Hague said...

Is Rob some kind of faulty fanny magnet?