Wednesday 22 September 2010

Worrying increase in tedious birding blogs and websites

I am being directed to more and more dreary and pointless ‘birding diary’ type blog sites being created on the British Birding scene which I find very distressing, disturbing and sad about. Just what is it with British and the odd Irish birder [Is there only the one odd Irish birder? Surely not!]? Others may find this puerile attempt at nature writing interesting but I for one find it highly monotonous and tiresome. I have spent a birding lifetime trying to inject a little humour into birding and do not really expect to have to put up with this nonsense, nor do I expect to see every single migrating Meadow Pipit and Chaffinch counted and listed in detail in the way that is becoming fashionable. I am also very concerned to see that Birdforum only this past week had a sensible thread about moult in which no-one made an even slightly sarcastic comment, let alone escalated things into a full-blown slanging match. British birding needs to clean up its act – it has never been as dull and anorakish as it is currently on the web.

P.S. Come back tomorrow for full vis mig counts from Burrough Hill!


Jonathan Lethbridge said...

top drawer!

davidearlgray said...

Just wondering who the odd Irish birder is?;-)

The Leicester Llama said...

He's the one who keeps an 'Irish and British' list....

davidearlgray said...

The odd Irish birder is now on Shetland!

The Leicester Llama said...

I'm sure that means something to someone Dave, but not to me I'm afraid!

beast said...

As i am not a serial surfer of birding blogs i only just 'got' what this post was about Andy....[after looking at 400club website]....!

Birding has, as we know, been a victim of it's own popularity for many years now....with all the associated plus's and minus's.....[and i think even Lee might agree with that]...!

Ever since birding became 'big business' and the media latched on to the quirky world of twitchers...[oh how we didn't laugh]...

davidearlgray said...

Don't worry Andy just a play on words via LGREgo's blog!

The Leicester Llama said...

Ah - I see what you mean now. Hadn't realised one of them was Irish. I wouldn't presume to suggest that he was odd since I know nothing at all about him.

They've found some good stuff though!